Xiu-Shen WEI (魏秀参)– Papers

(* denotes the corresponding author.)

Journal Articles

  • Delving Deep into Simplicity Bias for Long-Tailed Image Recognition.
    X.-S. Wei, X. Sun, Y. Shen, and P. Wang.
    International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), in press

  • Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey.

    (This work was the highly cited paper by ESI, which received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of its academic field.)


    X.-S. Wei*, Y.-Z. Song, O. Mac Aodha, J. Wu, Y. Peng, J. Tang, J. Yang, and S. Belongie.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022, 44(12): 8927-8948.

Conference Papers


  • Data Tells the Truth: A Knowledge Distillation Method for Genomic Survival Analysis by Handling Censoring.
    X.-S. Wei, H.-Y. Xu, Y. Wu, X. Liu, R. Gao, J. Liu, and B. Du.
    Fundamental Research, in press
    [project page]

Technical Reports

Other Papers

  • 新工科背景下深度学习理论实践一体化课程与教材建设研究.
    计算机教育, in press.

  • 长尾分布图像识别:途径与进展.
    中国基础科学, 2023, 5:50-57.

  • 二次集成学习在医疗数据挖掘中的应用.
    计算机科学与探索, 2014, 8(9), 1113-1119.